Wednesday, March 20, 2013



It is good when it is under control but it can be dangerous when it shoots up. Cholesterol naturally found in the human body, especially, in the cell membranes, skin, bloodstream, brain, nerves and internal organs. This wax like substance is essential for normal functioning of the body system. However, presence of too much cholesterol is a medical concern, as it deposits in the blood vessels. Ultimately, high cholesterol increases the risk for blockage of arteries, coronary artery diseases and heart diseases.

Cholesterol Types:-

High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDLC) Good Cholesterol
Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDLC) Bad Cholesterol

Simple Facts:-

Irrespective of age, most cases of Heart Diseases are due to formation of Bad Cholesterol.

As a result, of unhealthy eating habits and erroneous lifestyle, youngsters in their early twenties are also suffering from Heart Ailments. It is shocking to note that an 8-year-old child died of heart attack!

Cholesterol is necessary to create cell membrane, hormone productions and effective functioning of brain cells for the human body. However, the fact is, Lever produces required quantity of cholesterol without external source.

External cholesterol consumption results in increased LDLC, thereby misbalancing HDLC & LDLC ratio. Increased LDLC deposited on the Blood Vessel walls, interrupting free flow of Blood; leading to heart blocks and other heart diseases. Whereas increase of HDLC sweeps/ cleans LDLC deposits on our almost 60 Kilo Miles long Blood Vessels.

Most Important Points to note:
  • There is no (0%) cholesterol in plant/ tree extracted food items like food grains, Coconut, Cashew Nuts, Pista, and Badam etc.
  • Bad Cholesterol is present in all the animal related food and their by-products in various degrees.
How to minimize the LDL Cholesterol level
1.     Stop consuming direct FAT products like Ghee, Oil etc.
a.     100 gm contains 360 mg of bad cholesterol

2.     Avoid non- vegetarian food; especially yellow portion of Egg, Lever, Brain
a.     Yellow portion of egg contains 210 mg of bad cholesterol

3.     While the children can consume milk, adults should stop direct Milk usage.
a.     Milk can add to the vegetables while cooking.
b.     Til and leafy vegetables contain more calcium than milk, and hence can be used as replacement of milk.

4.     Minimize use of all processed / refined foods
 Source of HDL Cholesterol: Food containing more alpha- lenolenic acid

How to increase the HDL Cholesterol level

1)    Eat Soya Beans that are rich in alpha- lenolenic acid, every day.
a.     Soak Soya beans in water for 15 hours and add to the vegetables while cooking.
b.     Consume like gugillu along with chana or alasandalu
c.     Soak for 15 hours, blend it with water and then filter it to prepare Soya milk. This can use as ingredients in recipes.
d.     Mill the Soya beans into dry powder and add kg to 1 or 1.5 kg of wheat floor for making pulkas.
e.     Prepare curd from Soya milk
f.      Also, make paneer by breaking Soya milk.

2)    Regular use of sprouted lentils like pesalu (Green Gram), alasandalu, and sanagalu increases HDLC.
a.     Recommended method of having sprouts is consuming one fist full of sprouts from each variety of lentils (at least 3).
b.     Rajamah do contain good amount of alpha- lenolenic acid, but Rajamah cannot sprouted and should consume as curry.
3)     Leafy Vegetables are mandatory in everyday food to increase HDLC.
4)    Physical exercise also helps to increase HDL cholesterol.

Courtesy: J.K.Mehta, NLS Mentor.

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Senthiil said...
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