Friday, August 25, 2006

The Art of Excellence - Enlightenment-4

The Art of Excellence - (Enlightenment -4)

My Views on Excellence:

  • - Excellence is independent and timeless.
  • - It is always related with Consciousness. ‘Still’ state of mind produces creativity and excellence.

No need to go to temples; no need to pray; No need to meditate; Niskamya Karma leads towards God.

Excellence is more than meditation. Through Excellence we can obtain Perfect Health. While we do things with excellence, our prana is well controlled. Our mental frequency is reduced to Alpha. Greater state of excellence leads to theta and sometimes delta state of mind. It reduces BP. Rate of Heart Beat is also reduced. LDL Cholesterol is well controlled and HDL is increased.

Here... you may raise a query. What about Sportsman….? Are they entering lower states of mind during their peak performance…? I will come to you later.

- Excellence erases Sanjitha, Praraptha and Akamya Karmas.

Erasing Sanjitha Karma is the toughest task in Yoga. Through Excellence we can completely erase our prerecorded karmas from our Blue-Prints. Evil is converted into Good. Excellence leads to Niskamya Karma.

The following Vices to be overcome and eradicated through Excellence.




-Unkind Speech
-Irreverent Speech
-Cautiousness or Fault-finding speech

Virtues to be practiced and acquired through Excellence:

Niskamya Karma
Constant Rectitude
Unlimited Forgiveness.

Art of Excellence is a Meditation. It is a Tapas. Maintains Balanced Metabolic Routine. Bio-Magnetism increases at Excellence. One who has greater Bio-Magnetism and Purity in his Bio-Genetic Centre can excel whatever he does.

Peak concentration reduces mental frequency and reaches towards Samadhi (a Stock-State). In this state, Mind doesn’t have duality nature and inseparable. So Bio-Magnetism ever increases in connection with Universal Magnetism. They are always in blissed state and everything falls within the frame for them.

Excellence prevents lose of Bio-Magnetism and we can acquire perfect balance. Excellence leaves “Tejas” in face. Excellence reduces Electrical Resistivity in our physical body. In least impedance, energy can flow free.

Excellence increases Efficiency Factor. The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. The strong, calm man is always loved and revered. Thus I got Enlightenment from my Ex-colleague.

The End.
No End for Origin

With Love
A Co-Passenger
Raveendran Krishnasamy.

The Art of Excellence - Enlightenment-3

The Art of Excellence - (Enlightenment -3)

Some Tips to Excel:

Do your duty with detached attachment…. (This maxim has deep inner meaning. Is it possible to do things with excellence without involvement…? ) Many of us think involvement leads to excellence. But, we are losing our control in involvement.

Mechanism & Technique:

Mind transforms our knowledge into action. Our minds need to be controlled so as to transform only preferred thoughts into actions.


Step 1: Divide your mind into two halves.
Step 2: The first part of the mind is employed in action.
Step 3: The second part of the ‘mindon energy’ is used to watch/monitor the deeds and actions
Step 4: It regulates the step 2 and leads towards excellence.

Do with peak concentration (Should be effortless) without any oscillations in mind. i.e. Concentration is directly proportional to Excellence and Inversely proportional to oscillations.

Start with stillness state of mind and continue with stillness. Karma (actions) should be natural like flowers bloom; grass grows. i.e., do Karma with ease and effortless. Before starting Karma, count your blessings. Thus you can accomplish anything you set to do.

Everyday you become more successful. You strive for excellence in everything you do. You now become ultra-successful in excellence. Now you can accomplish your goals with effortlessness.--

----We will meet later…..

With Love
A Co-Passenger
Raveendran Krishnasamy

The Art of Excellence - Enlightenment-2

The Art of Excellence - (Enlightenment -2)

"Unless we discover some still missing fundamental traits in the analysis of natural phenomena, we cannot reach an understanding of what mind is …." Neils Bohr, Physicist.
What is Excellence….?

It is invisible quantum of forces, but results can be visible. According to my research,

Excellence = ( Required Energy to do a task ) / ( Pure Potentiality (Access) )

Excellence is a well focused and channelised 'Mindon Energy' on a particular task.
Consciousness indicates order of function of the force in everything and everywhere as Pattern, Precision and Regularity. Consciousness reveals excellence.

Force is the cause of all functions and changes of the universe; only force moves everything. Movement of force results in clash, reflection, refraction, penetration and interaction, effecting changes in everything constantly.

If any force is reduced, ultimately it will come to stillness i.e., stock-force state. One who starts his actions from this stillness, effect is excellence.

Karma yoga is purifying the mind by means of work and actions. Excellence at work is Yoga. Work is worship….

How to accomplish Excellence…?

Through Sraddha…?
Through Enthu and Interest…?

Again, these above mentioned factors lead to negative side and chances are there to face dislike results and depression. We are giving our control in to the hands of Emotions and Feelings.

---We will meet later…..

With Love
A Co-Passenger
Raveendran Krishnasamy.

The Art of Excellence - Enlightenment-1

Dear Friends,

Recently I received a phone call from my ex-colleague and was asked to meet him. Now he is associated in a Banking Sector in a creamy layer. (Here we can call him as Mr.X for his privacy).

Previously both were working for a Fortune 500 company. We both got appointed on the same date and in the same banking domain. This created a good rapport between us. He emerged out from one of a reputed Management Institute in India and was a University Gold Medalist in his PG.

He came to Chennai for an official visit and stayed in a Five Star hotel, located in the centre of the city. I entered his room. Mrs. and Mr. 'X' welcomed me by heart.

We were speaking about the latest developments in the banking and financial sectors and we were sharing our views about the future development that would be made after 5 years. While we were in that five star hotel, The Hotel Service was poor. He complained.

First the Hotel people argued and were stubborn in their stand.
But, he stayed calm and confident. He started…

His communication was crystal clear. . His voice was normal, but words entered into sub-conscious mind of respective authorities. He was able to access their sub-conscious mind and got things done without any tension.

Even after half-an-hour, other people (including me) could not detach from this incident. But he was normal from the beginning. He never got excited.

This incident made me wonder, how he remained in the ground state.

I observed him personally since 1999 onwards. He always handles things with ease and effortlessness by applying the PRINCIPLE OF LEAST ACTION. (More Benefit by Little effort).
His energy levels are so high. His efficiency is more. Whatever he does, he exhibits excellence in all his actions. But he does not practice any meditation.

These qualities always kept me to raise queries in my mind, How to perform excellence in all actions…? How to do things with ease and effortlessness...…? How to convert desire into intention….? And so on…

Here I wish to share my views with you in this regards.

---We will meet later…..

With Love
A Co-Passenger
Raveendran Krishnasamy