Cosmology &
About three
centuries ago, as a preamble to his principle, Newton remarked : "The aim
of my science is to find the cause for the effect I observe, till I arrive at
the ultimate cause which is certainly not mechanical ".
That great genius
not only initiated the beginning of Science but also had the foresight to see
where that science will end. But when Newton realised that his life is too
small to touch the entirety, he remarked: " I am like a child playing with
the pebbles on the seashore while the whole ocean lies before me" .
It took about 200
years for the Scientific community to know that Newton had not fully understood
even those pebbles. During the close of the last century, Newtonian mechanics
failed , Newtons theory of light failed; everything that was precious to his
heart lost its sanctity and there was confusion and despair. At this critical
juncture, Einstein entered the field.
Einstein was so
friendly with Newton that he disagreed with everything that Newton said; his
axioms and hence his results
Why Newton failed?
Einstein kept on asking himself and finally observed: That Newton considered
the Universe as combination of four independent quantities i.e. space, time,
matter and energy, was his philosophical error! After correctly diagnosing the
illness of Newtonian mechanics, Einstein prescribed the medicine, the Special
Relativity, where the four independent quantities of Newton were reduced to
two: space-time and mass-energy.
The success of the
special theory of relativity led Einstein to the failures of the general theory
of Relativity. In General Theory of Relativity, so long as he confined himself
to point mass, he was successful. But when he went to deal with the Universe as
a whole, he started making "Himalayan blunders" But hats off to his
courage and audacity in tackling a system as big as the Universe by a wave of
his pen of few inches.
Prior to Einstein,
nobody ever dared to ask questions like: what is the beginning, the size and
the future of the Universe? Is the Universe finite or infinite ? Initially,
Einstein himself was so! diffident that he thought, Universe as a whole is
incomprehensible and too big to our mathematical equations. Nevertheless he
proceeded, with the help of his field equations. Surprisingly he did obtain
certain results about the Universe and his limited success gave him a great
encouragement and the mind to say "The most incomprehensible thing about
the Universe is that it is comprehensible".
Einstein obtained a
static model of the Universe with a finite and fixed radius. To make it static,
he introduced into his equation, a term called cosmological constant to inject
a repulsive force to balance the usual attractive force. Instead of allowing
himself to be led by his field equations, he misled those equations by
introducing the above constant and repented very much when Hubble's experiments
confirmed the expansion of the Universe, contrary to his prediction.
Following Einstein
there came a variety of models: Milne, Friedman. Lemaitre, De sitter, Bondi and
Gold; Hoyle and Narlikar, Brans, Dicke and so on - each with its own limited
success. The models can be broadly classified into two groups - Big Bang models
and Steady State Models. Big Bang models demand one -time creation, while
Steady State Models demand continuous creation. A close inspection reveals that
both the models suffer from certain conceptual difficulties. In the history of
science, whenever scientists met with such conceptual difficulties, solution
has always come from philosophical inputs. The revolutionary quantum concept of
Max Planck; the inertia principle of Mach are some examples to quote.
Philosophical thoughts have always come to the rescue of the scientists and
helped them to move science in the right direction. It is these philosophical
thoughts which later become mathematical equations.
A careful analysis
will show that every scientific theory has its thematic origin in the
philosophical thought of its predecessors. The philosophical statements of
Galileo about motion formed the basis for Newton's laws of motion. The
philosophy of Mach's principle i.e. a particle acquire its mass due to its
interaction with he rest of the matter in the Universe formed the basis for the
general theory of relativity. In his autobiographical sketch, Einstein mentions
that the critical reasoning required for his discovery of special relativity
was decisively furthered by Mach when he said ," The whole direction of
thinking of the theory of relativity is in accordance with that of Mach so that
it is justifiable to consider Mach as the precursor of the general theory of
Whether a
philosopher or a scientist, both are the products of the total cosmic
consciousness. It is the innate desire of the consciousness in man to know his
origin and destination and his desire inspires a journey of consciousness.
Along this journey, we had and have philosophers and scientists walking
briskly. Their destination is the same but tools are different. A philosopher
uses his unbridled mind but a scientist's mind is bridled by mathematical logic
and laboratory proof. Since mathematical logic restricts and puts a limitation
on the free mind, scientists are not able to reach the heights which a
philosopher normally reaches. So, soon a stage comes in Science when, for want
of greater concepts and deeper insights, scientists reach a dead end, not
knowing which way to proceed. To break this dead end, we need philosophical revelations
of extraordinary insight. We need it all the more today in the field of
cosmology where scientists are not even sure whether their own mathematical
logic is applicable at all on such a Cosmological scale.
There is also
another reason why we need philosophers to come to the help of Cosmologists: In
Science, Cosmology is only about 80 years old. To understand and comprehend the
Universe (which as admitted by Science, exists for about 1.5 x 10 power 10
years), 80 years is too short a period. It is like starting to write the
biography of a person the moment he is introduced for the first time. But in
philosophy, Cosmology is being discussed for quite a long time, at least for
the past few thousands of years. Therefore, the accumulated wisdom in philosophy
about certain Cosmological aspects may throw fresh clues for Science.
We present in this
paper a new cosmological model - the Vethathiri Model based on the revelations
of Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi, a living saint of India. The source and
inspirations of the theme of this paper lie in his profound books and extensive
lectures. A brief version of this paper was presented in a conference on
"Physical interpretation of Relativity theory" organized by the
British Society of Science, London during 1996.
Basic Concepts of
The Vethathiri Cosmology
- The Total is always the Total and this
everlasting Total is referred to in this model as the primordial state
(P.S.). The P.S. is characterized by inherent quivering consciousness,
potential energy and "self-compressive force" which is totally
referred to in this model as the Unified Force.
- Due to the combined action of the
consciousness, potential energy and the self-compressive force, the P.S.
gives rise to infinitesimal whirling wave - packets. These whirling wave-packets
are hereafter referred to as Vethon particles. With the emergence of the
Vethons, the cosmological, irreversible time started and with that the
evolution of the universe.
- Each Vethon produces a repulsive field
around it and the quanta of this field are called Yogons. This Yogon field
is referred to in this model as magnetic field.
- The Vethons thus produced are
compressed at all times by the self-compressive force of the P.S. to a
bounded region and this bounded region defines the physical universe. Thus,
the physical universe is embedded in the primordial state. As more and
more Vethons are created, the extent of this region enlarges.
- In the physical universe each Vethon
interacts with the other Vethons through the magnetic field and is also
acted upon by the self-compressive force. As a result of these
interactions, each Vethon acquires the physical property, mass.
- Given two Vethons, the self-compressive
force acts to decrease the distance between them, and the repulsive Yogon
field acts to maintain a distance between them.
- The Vethons evolve into various
elementary particles and these elementary particles combine to form
systems like elements, molecules and compounds. The number of Vethons in
the system determines its massiveness and the intensity of the Yogon field
between them determines the quality of the element or compound.
- As the P.S. is endowed with
consciousness, every Vethon and hence every system is consequently endowed
with the same consciousness, manifesting as the order of function of the
- The Yogon magnetic field in the system
gets transformed into the various electrical,chemical and physical
properties of the system.
Concepts 1 and 2 of the model presented here imply that at t=0, there was only primordial state. Let V(0) represent the total energy content of the unmanifested primordial state. At any time t, the Vethon particles produced up to that time t and the systems these Vethons have produced constitute a bounded region which we call the manifested Universe. Thus at the time t, a part of the primordial state becomes manifested. If Et is the matter energy density at any space point inside the manifested Universe then the total energy of the manifested Universe is given as:
Concepts 1 and 2 of the model presented here imply that at t=0, there was only primordial state. Let V(0) represent the total energy content of the unmanifested primordial state. At any time t, the Vethon particles produced up to that time t and the systems these Vethons have produced constitute a bounded region which we call the manifested Universe. Thus at the time t, a part of the primordial state becomes manifested. If Et is the matter energy density at any space point inside the manifested Universe then the total energy of the manifested Universe is given as:
VM(t) = M∫Etdλ
Where dl is the
elementary volume of the manifested universe (M).
The energy density E
is given as
Et = 0∫t (dEt /
dk)dk ...........................................(2)
Where (d Ek / dk) is
the rate of creation per unit volume at the time , k. The grand conservation of
V(0) leads to the relation,
V(o) = V(t) + M∫Et
dλ ...........................................(3)
V(t) is the
unmanifested potential of the primordial state at t.
It must be emphasized that {V(0)} = {V(t)} ∪ {Vm(t)} Eqn. (3) represents a grand conservation of the total potential V(0) of the primordial state which is singular, omnipresent and Almighty.
It must be emphasized that {V(0)} = {V(t)} ∪ {Vm(t)} Eqn. (3) represents a grand conservation of the total potential V(0) of the primordial state which is singular, omnipresent and Almighty.
Eqn. (3) removes
many of the conceptual difficulties associated with Big-Bang models and steady
state models.
The initial Big-Bang Singularity:
In the Big-Bang models, the manifested total energy is treated as constant of time i.e.
The initial Big-Bang Singularity:
In the Big-Bang models, the manifested total energy is treated as constant of time i.e.
Vm(t) = M∫Et dλ = a
constant ........................................(4)
Where Et is the
energy density at t.
Going backward, as t
decreases, volume of the Universe decreases and hence the energy density Et
increases as a consequence of the conservation of the total manifested energy
as expressed in the eqn.4. At t → 0; Et → α a leading to a asingularity.
In sharp contrast to
this, in the Vethathiri model presented here, at t = 0 there was only
primordial unmanifested state and hence the manifested energy density Et = 0.
Thus, Vethathiri model is free of singularity. The primordial state is
characterized by an inherent "Self Compressive force" and to
understand this self compressive force, one may recall, as an analogy, the
property of a liquid surface which exhibits an inherent compressive and
contracting tendency leading to surface tension. This "Compressive force"
the primordial Unified Force is the prime mover of evolution - first into
Vethons and then into different systems. As the evolution proceeds, the
manifesting physical universe embedded in the primordial state expands and
hence its extent enlarges. Though our model speaks of the concept of evolution,
there is no point origin and initial catastrophe. Another significant feature
is that the question - "the Universe expands into what" is no longer
a puzzling question in our model: Microwave Background
As Vethons emerge
from the primordial state, every Vethon is in the repulsive field of the
others. Due to the self compressive force of the primordial state, the Vethons
are contained in a bounded region which we call the physical universe.As more
and more Vethons are produced, the physical universe expands and hence the
average free Vethon density remains the same. In the free Vethon medium, the
Yogon magnetic field transforms into pressure which leads to a temperature.
Since the Vethons have an isotropic spread, the temperature, due to them
assumes an isotropic character. It is this isotropic temperature that Penzias
and Wilson detected as 2.7 K in 1965. Thus, this model predicts that the
microwave background of 2.7 K is homogeneous both in space and time.
The salient features
of the present Steady State Models are
a) The expansion of
the universe is deduced as a consequence of the total thermodynamical
b) By the perfect
cosmological principle, the average density of matter must not undergo a change
and this requirement demands a continuous creation of matter.
c) As the creation
rate is extremely low, approximately 10-46 gm/sec/unit volume, it is utterly
impossible to observe directly such a rate of creation. Hence, there will not
be any observational evidence contradicting continuous creation.
d) The creation
referred to in this model is the formation of matter not out of radiation, but
out of nothing.
e) The matter is
presumably created in the form of natural hydrogen atoms, but the possibilities
of separate creation of electrons and protons or of the creation of neutrons
cannot be excluded.
f) No events in the
past are required that have no counterpart now. To push the entire creation to
the past is to restrict science to a discussion of what happened after creation
while forbidding it to examine creation itself.
The Vethathiri model
presented here agrees with the statements (a), (b) and (f) and removes the
conceptual difficulties associated with (b),(c) and (d). Statements (b),(c) and
(d) apologetically accept that there is a violation of the law of conservation
of energy. But, according to our eqn. (3) there is no such violation since
creation of matter in our model is only a transfer of energy from the
unmanifested to the manifested. Regarding the statement stand of our model is
that matter is created only in the form of the primary whirling particles (wave
packets) - the Vethons.
--------------------------------------------------------The End -----------------------------------------------------
Courtesy: Dr.Alagar Ramanujam,
1 comment:
Coming to my BIG-ol,
John Belushi, party-hardy
in illustrious Seventh-Heaven??
Yes, earthling, I had a NDE...
now I know s'up.
God bless your indelible soul.
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