My Views on Excellence:
- - Excellence is independent and timeless.
- - It is always related with Consciousness. ‘Still’ state of mind produces creativity and excellence.
No need to go to temples; no need to pray; No need to meditate; Niskamya Karma leads towards God.
Excellence is more than meditation. Through Excellence we can obtain Perfect Health. While we do things with excellence, our prana is well controlled. Our mental frequency is reduced to Alpha. Greater state of excellence leads to theta and sometimes delta state of mind. It reduces BP. Rate of Heart Beat is also reduced. LDL Cholesterol is well controlled and HDL is increased.
Here... you may raise a query. What about Sportsman….? Are they entering lower states of mind during their peak performance…? I will come to you later.
- Excellence erases Sanjitha, Praraptha and Akamya Karmas.
Erasing Sanjitha Karma is the toughest task in Yoga. Through Excellence we can completely erase our prerecorded karmas from our Blue-Prints. Evil is converted into Good. Excellence leads to Niskamya Karma.
The following Vices to be overcome and eradicated through Excellence.
-Unkind Speech
-Irreverent Speech
-Cautiousness or Fault-finding speech
Virtues to be practiced and acquired through Excellence:
Niskamya Karma
Constant Rectitude
Unlimited Forgiveness.
Art of Excellence is a Meditation. It is a Tapas. Maintains Balanced Metabolic Routine. Bio-Magnetism increases at Excellence. One who has greater Bio-Magnetism and Purity in his Bio-Genetic Centre can excel whatever he does.
Peak concentration reduces mental frequency and reaches towards Samadhi (a Stock-State). In this state, Mind doesn’t have duality nature and inseparable. So Bio-Magnetism ever increases in connection with Universal Magnetism. They are always in blissed state and everything falls within the frame for them.
Excellence prevents lose of Bio-Magnetism and we can acquire perfect balance. Excellence leaves “Tejas” in face. Excellence reduces Electrical Resistivity in our physical body. In least impedance, energy can flow free.
Excellence increases Efficiency Factor. The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. The strong, calm man is always loved and revered. Thus I got Enlightenment from my Ex-colleague.
The End.
No End for Origin
With Love
A Co-Passenger
Raveendran Krishnasamy.